Danger four

Listado danger four

  • Además tiene como muy especial, cuatro autógrafos originales y dedicados de: - dave jones (propietario de the cavern-liverpool) - julia baird (hermana de john lennon) - coco boudakian (lider y fundador de danger four) - rodolfo vázquez (propietario de the cavern club buenos aires)revista 1° semana-beatle de latinoamérica del 8 al 14 de octubre de , buenos aires, fue sede de un evento sin antecedentes a nivel continentalla revista corresponde a la primera edición de la semana del , son 34 páginas en blanco y negro y color, donde se relata todo lo que aconteció en esos siete díasfue la primera oportunidad en que latinoamérica albergó a los mejores exponentes del mundo beatledurante siete días, se realizó la primera semana beatle de latinoamérica, con el aval de cavern city tours, organizadores de la beatle week de liverpool

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  • ******************************************************************************************************************************* sinopsis las four (amazon, apple, facebook y google), cuyas valoraciones se aproximan ya a la escalofriante cifra del billón de dólares, son los cuatro gigantes de la economía mundialconoce su adn secretoimportante todos nuestros productos son digitales y la entrega se realiza directamente a su e-mail mediante un enlace de descarga • pasos a seguir para concretar una compra • • aclare todas sus dudas realícenos todas las preguntas que crea pertinentes con gusto le responderemos • una vez halla dado click en comprar entendemos que asume el compromiso de comprar el producto tanto como nosotros honraremos la obligación de entregárselo en las condiciones especificadas en la descripción • recibirá un mensaje con toda nuestra información bancaria • una vez corroborado el pago (la corroboración es inmediata) le enviaremos el enlace de descarga a la dirección de e-mail que usted nos indique *************************************************************************************************y, tanto si queremos competir como si queremos hacer negocios con ellas o simplemente sobrevivir en el mundo que dominan, resulta imprescindible conocer el adn secreto de esos cuatro jinetes de la economía mundial¿cómo han logrado esas compañías infiltrarse tan profundamente en nuestras vidas que ya es imposible evitarlas (o incluso boicotearlas)? ¿por qué los mercados bursátiles les perdonan pecados que destruirían a cualquier otra empresa? ¿puede alguien desafiarlas? con el estilo fresco y desenfadado que le ha convertido en uno de los más célebres profesores de negocios, scott galloway disecciona las estrategias ocultas bajo la deslumbrante apariencia de estos cuatro gigantes y muestra cómo apelan a las necesidades básicas que han movido a la humanidad desde tiempos ancestrales: amazon, a la de cazar y recolectar; apple, a la de procrear; facebook, a la de amar; y google, a la de creer en un dios******************************************************************************************************************************* autor: scott galloway | genero: ciencias, tecnología, negocios, economia, management | idioma: español | formato: digital|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: sobre el autor scott galloway es profesor clínico de mercadotecnia en la stern school of business de la universidad de nueva york y es orador público, autor y empresariofour: el adn secreto de amazon, apple, facebook y google - scott galloway - digital • amazon, apple, facebook y google son las cuatro empresas más influyentes del mundocasi todo el mundo cree saber cómo lo han logradoescrito con rigor y amenidad, el libro de galloway ofrece un pormenorizado panorama de la economía del mundo actual y del futuro que se avecina que no dejará indiferente a ningún lector, y revela con ingenio cómo podemos aplicar las lecciones del ascenso de amazon, apple, facebook y google a nuestro propio negocio o carrera profesionaly casi todo el mundo se equivoca

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  • Libro four de scott galloway año de edición: peso: 367 gramos isbn: código interno: ¿dudas ? ¿preguntas? escribinos y te responderemos los días hábiles de lunes a viernes de 9 a 17 horasgarantías y devoluciones: si considerás que el producto tiene fallas de fabricación, de acuerdo a la normativa nacional, tenés el derecho a hacer uso de la garantía oficial a través de nuestro departamento de atención al cliente cuyos datos recibirás una vez finalizada la comprapodés hacer todas las preguntas que consideres necesarias a nuestro departamento de atención al cliente a fin de elegir adecuadamentepara los retiros en persona en nuestro punto de entrega se realizarán, como mínimo, 24hs luego de realizada la comprauna vez acreditada la compra, el plazo del despacho es 2-3 días hábilespagos: aceptamos todas las modalidades de mercado pago, consultá las promociones con tarjetas que tienen para ofrecerteimportante: sólo podrás hacer uso de la garantía de productos adquiridos en esta tienda oficial de mercado libretené en cuenta que si tu pregunta se hace luego de ese horario te responderemos el siguiente día hábilentregas: podrás recibir en el domicilio que consignes o retirar de la sucursal oca que elijaspor favor, tené en cuenta la demora por parte de mercado envíos antes de efectuar tu compratenés hasta 10 días desde la fecha de recepción de tu compra, siempre que esté intacta, conservando la factura o remito de entrega¿cuánto demora la entrega y cómo sé en qué estado está? podrás consultarlo con tu código postal desde el calculador de envíos mercado librepara evitar inconvenientes es muy importante que al momento de recepción de la compra revises el buen estado de los productos antes de firmar el remito de entrega, ya que tu nombre, dni y firma en el remito serán muestra de conformidad con el estadodesde 'tus compras' tenés la posibilidad de consultar el estado de tu envíoproductos, cambios: vendemos artículos nuevos y sin usocomprando en una tienda oficial, no podrás cambiar el producto por otro una vez adquirido, al ofertar estás asumiendo un compromiso de compra

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  • Algunos títulos del lote bass rise _chaosbreak _hellnight _beast wars transformers _cpcom generation _sled storm _blue legend of water _saga frontier 2 _legaia _trap gunner _galaga _tai fu _harry potter _tortugas ninja _capcom generation 2 __nuclear dawn _danger girl _3 en 1 magnun _formula 1 _beast wars transformers _medal of honor _fatal fury _wild 9 _g police _nhl _bass rise _test drive off road _constructor _south park rally _truck racing _le gardien _rampage _we apertura _we apetura _breath of fire 3 _dvid beakmam _men in black _nba shootout _pokemon _stuart litttle 2 _nascar 99 _lilo y stich _fifa world cup _dead in the water _3d fighter maker _bust a move 99 _360 _tarzan _tom y jerry _24 hs le mans _card game _circuit breadkers _the bombing islands _echonight _3 en 1 movie thriller _3 en 1 dx special _jer moto 3 _rollcage stagell _wartres _enigma _air truck battle _resident evil _3 en 1 air attack _harry potter 3 _yu gi oh forbidden memories _motocross mania 2 _ddr 4 _ k 1 grand prix _monster farm jump _aironauts _r,c, de go _th pro skater _final fantasy 1/2 _3 en 1 bomberman collection _command & conquer red alert _chill _cool boarders _ford racing _rally de europe _frogger 2 _critical blow _m,d,k, _legacy of kain blood omen _saga frontier 2 _ the table tennis _fantastic four _contra _frogger _tennis arena _jet moto 3 _air truck battle _action man _snow cross _power rangers _viper _renegade _swag man _iss pro evolution _crisis city _hugo the evil mirror _gunbullet _24 hs le mans _los pumas _wu tang _nba shotout _nascar 99 _wrestlemania _3 en 1 volumen 3 skater _ms pacman _jade cocoon _road rash jail break _metal slug submarine _mickey wild _3 en 1 dinosaur collection _reboot _3 en 1 movie thriler volume 4 _striker _peter pan _dynamite boxing _guitar freaks _eagle one _spec ops: airborne commando _treasure planet _street scooters _shaman king _final fantasy 9 _ toshinden subaru _nitrus oxide _poy poy 2 _monter inc _ground control 2 _aztec _the dukes of hazzard _the city of the children _dune _shadow gunner _nintendo 64 volumen 2 _gauntlet legends _taxi 2 _ _adventure of mistery island _toca 3 _alone in the dark _rayman 2 _winnie the pooh* juegos de muchos generos, son buenos titulosjuegos para playstation one (psx) * en sobrecitos sin caratula especifica de cada juego, solo una caratula general con el titulo * en perfecto estado, sin marcas, sin uso* no se pueden seleccionar los titulos_ haga todas las preguntas que necesite antes de ofertar_ muchas gracias* las fotos son ilustrativas _ se entregan por esta zona* hay titulos repetidos,pero no son tantos en relacion a la cantidad_ solo comprede estar seguro* se vende un lote de 250 cd con titulos muy variados

  • Algunos títulos que pueden venir en el lote bass rise _chaosbreak _hellnight _beast wars transformers _cpcom generation _sled storm _blue legend of water _saga frontier 2 _legaia _trap gunner _galaga _tai fu _harry potter _tortugas ninja _capcom generation 2 __nuclear dawn _danger girl _3 en 1 magnun _formula 1 _beast wars transformers _medal of honor _fatal fury _wild 9 _g police _nhl _bass rise _test drive off road _constructor _south park rally _truck racing _le gardien _rampage _we apertura _we apetura _breath of fire 3 _dvid beakmam _men in black _nba shootout _pokemon _stuart litttle 2 _nascar 99 _lilo y stich _fifa world cup _dead in the water _3d fighter maker _bust a move 99 _360 _tarzan _tom y jerry _24 hs le mans _card game _circuit breadkers _the bombing islands _echonight _3 en 1 movie thriller _3 en 1 dx special _jer moto 3 _rollcage stagell _wartres _enigma _air truck battle _resident evil _3 en 1 air attack _harry potter 3 _yu gi oh forbidden memories _motocross mania 2 _ddr 4 _ k 1 grand prix _monster farm jump _aironauts _r,c, de go _th pro skater _final fantasy 1/2 _3 en 1 bomberman collection _command & conquer red alert _chill _cool boarders _ford racing _rally de europe _frogger 2 _critical blow _m,d,k, _legacy of kain blood omen _saga frontier 2 _ the table tennis _fantastic four _contra _frogger _tennis arena _jet moto 3 _air truck battle _action man _snow cross _power rangers _viper _renegade _swag man _iss pro evolution _crisis city _hugo the evil mirror _gunbullet _24 hs le mans _los pumas _wu tang _nba shotout _nascar 99 _wrestlemania _3 en 1 volumen 3 skater _ms pacman _jade cocoon _road rash jail break _metal slug submarine _mickey wild _3 en 1 dinosaur collection _reboot _3 en 1 movie thriler volume 4 _striker _peter pan _dynamite boxing _guitar freaks _eagle one _spec ops: airborne commando _treasure planet _street scooters _shaman king _final fantasy 9 _ toshinden subaru _nitrus oxide _poy poy 2 _monter inc _ground control 2 _aztec _the dukes of hazzard _the city of the children _dune _shadow gunner _nintendo 64 volumen 2 _gauntlet legends _taxi 2 _ _adventure of mistery island _toca 3 _alone in the dark _rayman 2 _winnie the pooh* se vende un lote de 200 cd con títulos muy variados* juegos de muchos generos, son buenos titulosjuegos para playstation one (psx) * en sobrecitos sin caratula especifica de cada juego, solo una caratula general con el titulo * en perfecto estado, sin marcas, sin uso* no se pueden seleccionar los titulos_ haga todas las preguntas que necesite antes de ofertar_ muchas gracias* las fotos son ilustrativas _ se entregan por esta zona* hay titulos repetidos,pero no son tantos en relacion a la cantidad_ solo comprede estar seguro

  • Insert i/o points are also provided on the stereo bus (l and r) and on the four group buses12-segment level meters four high-visibility 12-segment meters are switchable to allow precise visual monitoring of levels on the main stereo bus, the four group buses, the stereo 2-track input, the pfl (pre-fader listen) bus, or the afl (after-fader listen) busmulti-bus configuration with a total of 14 buses in addition to the main stereo bus that feeds the console's main outputs, the mgfx and mgfx feature four group buses for convenient sub-mix grouping, six auxiliary buses for monitoring and external effect send, and send buses for the two internal effect processorsversatile inputs the monaural inputs provide both balanced xlr and phone jacks - that's channels 1 through 16 on the mgfx, and channels 1 through 24 on the mgfxtwo effect sends are provided in addition to the six aux sendsinput gain controls and pad switches allow optimum matching with the widest possible range of sources: microphone levels can be adjusted from -60 db to +10 db, while line levels can be adjusted from -34 db to +10 dbso even if you need to feed a front-of-house system, monitors, a subwoofer, a master recorder, and other output lines simultaneously, the mgfx or mgfx will handle iteffect programs include reverb, delay, pitch change chorus, phaser, voice doubler, and distortionhigh input capacity for live sound the mgfx has 16 mono inputs and 4 stereo inputs, while the mgfx has 24 mono inputs and 4 stereo inputsthe channel send knobs and bus assign switches make it easy to send the signal from each channel to the stereo, group, internal effect, and auxiliary buses as requirednot only do these connectors lock to minimize the chance of accidental disconnection, but they provide superior electrical contact for long-term dependability as wellthe mg-series mixers feature low-noise, high-performance microphone preamplifiers that will bring out the best in dynamic and condenser type microphonesvariable lpf on the mono output a low-pass filter with a roll-off frequency that can be varied from 80 to 120hz is provided on the mono output for convenient connection and optimum matching with a subwoofermid-sweep 3-band mono channel eq, 4-band stereo channel eq the mono channels on both the mgfx and mgfx offer advanced eq facilities: 3-band eq with a 10 khz shelving high control, a 250 hz ~ 5 khz sweepable mid control, and a 100 hz shelving low controlchoose the 24-input mgfx or 32-input mgfx according to the number of sources you need to handleswitchable phantom power the mg mixer microphone preamplifiers provide 48-volt phantom power for studio-quality condenser microphonestwo stereo aux returns are provided in addition to the internal effect returns, providing an extra margin of return versatility for wet monitoring, for examplethat's a total of 14 buses in all for exceptionally flexible signal routingreliable xlr output connectors the main stereo outputs and mono output feature rugged, reliable xlr type connectorsinsert i/o mono input channels feature insert patch points that can be used to insert external signal-processing devices into the channel's signal pathphantom power can be switched on or off for in 8-channel groupschannel peak indicators are provided to facilitate optimum level matchingextensive routing capability is also provided for monitoring and external signal processing, as required by your applicationcomprehensive output connectors the mixer's main stereo program signal is simultaneously delivered to the main stereo outputs (xlr jacks), the sub-stereo outputs (phone jacks), the rec out connectors (rca pin jacks), the mono out (xlr jack), and the headphones output (stereo phone jack)serious consoles for live sound or installations the mgfx and mgfx are full-featured sound reinforcement consoles with capacity and capabilities that can handle demanding live sound applicationstop-quality microphone preamps microphone preamplifiers play a vital role in determining the final sound of your mixesample sends and returns all input channels have a total of six auxiliary sends: aux send 1 through 4 can be switched for pre- or post-fader operation, while aux sends 5 and 6 are post-faderall other features are the same, including two renowned yamaha spx effect processors built inindependent phone-jack outputs are also provided for group buses 1 through 4high-performance digital effect processors built in both the mgfx and mgfx contain a powerful pair of yamaha digital signal processors that provide a useful selection of 16 advanced digital effectsthe effects include editable parameters so they can be customized as required, and processortwo of the stereo inputs offer phone jacks as well as rca pin jacksthe stereo channels feature 4-band eq with 10 khz high, 3 khz hi mid, 800 hz lo mid, and 100 hz low controlsthat's more than sufficient send capability to handle monitoring and effects for all but the most complex applicationsmicrophone preamplifiers are provided on channels 1 through 16 of the mgfx, and on channels 1 through 24 of the mgfxindependent 2-track rca pin jack inputs are also provided for input from cd players or other stereo line-level sourcesthe microphone inputs also have switchable 80 hz high-pass filters for low-frequency noise reduction

  • 3 v) headphone outputs four 6amplificador de auriculares tascam specifications general frequency response 20 hz - 20 khz (+0 db, -15 w at 8 ohm (1 channel in use) 2 x 1,2 w an 8 ohm (four channels in use) power supply 230 v ac, 50 hz power consumption 10 w dimensions (w x h x d)5 w at 8 ohm (1 channel in use) 2 x 1,2 w an 8 ohm (four channels in use) power supply 230 v ac, 50 hz power consumption 10 w dimensions (w x h x d) specifications general frequency response 20 hz - 20 khz (+0 db, -13 mm jacks, unbalanced rear: rca connectors, unbalanced input impedance 40 kohm nominal level -10 dbv (03 mm stereo jacks maximum output power 2 x 15 db) signal-to-noise ratio 100 db (ihf a-weighted, input level control min) channel separation 80 db between adjacent channels line input front: 6

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  • The 7 occult secrets  will make you to understand that there are no rituals without danger and effects but at the same time anything that has danger and effect will definitely have guidelines and caution, so when the guidelines and caution is given then you are now left with your school of thought which permits you to commemorate on the caution and guidelinesthat's why we're here online for your searching egso when you think about becoming a member of this occult have it in mind that it takes a great sacrifice to pierce the heart of the spiritual world in order for an individual to acquire spiritual wealth and luxury, call now for enquiries 2349028448088  -------------- 2349028448088 ----------------- though the days of human rituals has been condemned and abolished but it's also known that ritual without sophisticated materials and mantles can never pierce the heart of the spiritual world and it then becomes useless thereby causing harm and social disorder which might possibly ones lifemany atimes has been defrauded in their pursuit for spiritual wealth thereby going back to the dust where they started from, why will an individual attempt joining illuminati, freemasons confraternity, odd-fellowso anyone telling you to come join this above mentioned confraternities will only defraud you and make you toodle in darkness, and make you an object of mediocrity in the society2349028448088 #secret #occult  it's encourageable to see an individual trying to join us in pursuit of happiness and luxury, but you must also put things into consideration thereby knowing it's takes a fortune to achieve entrance into the grand sacred temple of madhaldija brotherhood occultbefore you can be accepted as a member here you must pass through spiritual confirmation to know if your destiny will match the secret heart of this occult because only those their destiny matches the secret heart of this occult can be accepted to become a member here#i_want_to_join_occult_for_miney_ritual #how_to_join_occult_for_money_ritual i want to join occult illuminati i want to join real occult to be rich where to join occult for money ritual i want to be rich i want to be famous   we are now here for you, to guide you through the ultimate part of wealth power protection and everything luxury can bring here on earth join us today to give your life a meaninga certified member of this brotherhood is not allowed to introduce a new member in order for the '7 occult secrets' of this brotherhood to be safe and not mentioned to a mediocre  contact spiritual grandmaster for enquiries 2349028448088           -------------------temple-media2349028448088 ---------------- we believe everyone has the potential to become whatever they chooses but often times 70% of humanity have failed in the race of life thereby not been able to achieve anything here on earth, maybe because of fear & anxietywe don't force anyone to become a member here but of what benefit are you living a poor life, without hope for better opportunities, without hope of making your family proud, without making your children proud, without making yourself proud as an individualmembership into the sacred heart of this brotherhood is free but you're taking responsibility of every ritual items and mantles required for your initiation rituals, call now for enquiries 2349028448077here in zauramoa madhaldija brotherhood occult we don't settle for less, every ritual items & mantles required for ritual is been purchased no matter how much it takesall this above mentioned confraternities they belong to different monopolies of life which never grants you the ability to join unless you're rich and famous for them to get more glory


  • Bios • intel® bios (resident in the spi flash device) • support for advanced configuration and pow expansion capabilities • four pci conventional* bus connectors • two pci express* x1 bus add-in card connectors • one pci express x16 bus add-in card connector instantly available pc technology • support for pci local bus specification revision 20 devices peripheral interfaces • eight usb ports • one serial port • one parallel port • four serial ata interfaces • one parallel ata ide interface with udma 33, ata-66/100 support • one diskette drive interface • ps/2 keyboard and mouse ports lan support refer to table 2 on page 11 for a description of lan subsystem options84 millimeters]) processor support for an intel® pentium® 4 processor in an lga775 socket with a 1066, 800, or 533 mhz system bus memory • four 240-pin ddr2 sdram dual inline memory module (dimm) sockets • support for ddr2 667, ddr2 533, or ddr2 400 mhz dimms • support for up to 4 gb of system memory chipset intel® 945g chipset, consisting of: • intel® 82945g graphics memory controller hub (gmch) • intel® 82801g i/o controller hub (ich7) video intel® gma950 onboard graphics subsystem audio refer to table 2 on page 11 for a description of audio subsystem options legacy i/o control legacy i/o controller for diskette drive, serial, parallel, and ps/2* ports usb support for usb 26 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1042 or greater 571 - jm80547pg1121mm / bx80547pg3800ek 571, 366 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1042 or greater 506 - hh80547pe0671mn / jm80547pe0671mn / bx80547pe2667en 506, 253 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 256 kb 1788 or greater 331 - hh80547re067cn / jm80547re067cn / bx80547re2667cn 331, 28 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1788 or greater 515 / 515j - jm80547pe0771m 515, 20a • suspend to ram support • wake on pci, rs-232, front panel, ps/2 devices, and usb ports hardware monitor subsystem • hardware monitoring and fan control asic • voltage sense to detect out of range power supply voltages • thermal sense to detect out of range thermal values • three fan connectors • three fan sense inputs used to monitor fan activity • fan speed control audio subsystem intel® high definition audio subsystem in one of the following configurations: • 8-channel (720 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1042 or greater 550 / 550j - jm80547pg0961m / bx80547pg3400e / bx80547pg3400ej 551 - hh80547pg0961mm / jm80547pg0961mm / bx80547pg3400ek / bx80547pg3400ekt 32 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2 mb 3992 or greater 650 - hh80547pg0962mm / jm80547pg0962mm / bx80547pg3400f / bx80547pg3400ft 650, 393 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 256 kb 1042 or greater 345j - b80547re083256 / jm80547re083256 / bx80547re3066c 346 - hh80547re083cn / jm80547re083cn / bx80547re3066cn 31) audio subsystem with five analog audio outputs and two s/pdif digital audio outputs (coaxial and optical) using the sigmatel* 9223 audio codec • 6-channel (506 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 256 kb 1042 or greater 326 - hh80547re061cn / jm80547re061cn / bx80547re2533cn 326, 26 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1042 or greater 561 - jm80547pg1041mm / bx80547pg3600ek / bx80547pg3600ekt 561, 32 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1788 or greater 550 / 550j - jm80547pg0961m / bx80547pg3400e / bx80547pg3400ej 550, 36 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2x2 mb 3992 or greater2 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2x2 mb 3813 or greater 945 - hh80553pg0964mn / bx80553945 / bx80553945r 945, 32 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 512 kb 3813 or greater 355 - hh80547re093cn / bx80547re3330cn 355, 38 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 4 mb 3992 or greater 920 - hh80553pg0724m / bx80553920 / bx80553920t / bx80553920t2 920, 24 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2x2 mb 3992 or greater 960 - hh80553pg1044m / bx80553960 960, 380 millimeters by 24360 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1042 or greater 570 / 570j - jm80547pg1121m / bx80547pg3800e / bx80547pg3800ej 571 - jm80547pg1121mm / bx80547pg3800ek 34 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2 mb 3992 or greater 660 - hh80547pg1042mm / jm80547pg1042mm / bx80547pg3600f / bx80547pg3600ft 660, 38 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2 mb 3021 or greater intel pentium d 805 - hh80551pe0672mn / bx80551pe2666fn 805, 206 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 512 kb 3813 or greater 351 - hh80547re088cn / jm80547re088cn / bx80547re3200cn 351, 366 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1042 or greater 520 / 520j - hh80547pg0721m / jm80547pg0721m / bx80547pg2800e / bx80547pg2800ej 521 - hh80547pg0721mm / jm80547pg0721mm / bx80547pg2800ek 21) audio subsystem with three analog audio outputs using the sigmatel 9220 audio codec auxiliary fan connector additional fan connector for use in larger chassis ieee-1394a interface ieee-1394a controller and three ieee-1394a connectors (one back panel connector, two front-panel connectors) lan subsystem the board provides one of the following: • gigabit (10/100/1000 mbits/sec) lan subsystem using the intel® 82573e/82573v/82574v gigabit ethernet controller • 10/100 mbits/sec lan subsystem using the intel® 82562gx/82562gz platform lan connect (plc) device sata raid intel® 82801gr i/o controller hub (ich7-r) for raid support (levels 0,1, 0+1, and 5) on the sata interface scsi hard drive activity led connector allows add-in hard drive controllers (scsi or other) to use the same led as the onboard ide controlle intel celeron d 320j - b80547re056256 / bx80547re2400c 26 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2 mb 3021 or greater 660 - hh80547pg1042mm / jm80547pg1042mm / bx80547pg3600f / bx80547pg3600ft 670 - hh80547pg1122mm / jm80547pg1122mm / bx80547pg3800f / bx80547pg3800ft 670, 346 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 512 kb 3392 or greater 365 - hh80552re104512 / bx80552365 365, 353 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 256 kb 1042 or greater 330j - b80547re067256 / jm80547re067256 / bx80547re2667c 331 - hh80547re067cn / jm80547re067cn / bx80547re2667cn 293 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 1 mb 3021 or greater 516 - hh80547pe0771mn / jm80547pe0771mn / bx80547pe2933en 516, 28 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1788 or greater 524 - hh80547pe0831mm / bx80547pe3066e 524, 366 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 2x1 mb 2706 or greater 820 - hh80551pg0722mn / bx80551pg2800fn / bx80551pg2800ft 820, 206 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 256 kb 1788 or greater 347 - hh80552re083512 / bx80552347 347, 32 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2x2 mb 3992 or greater 940 - hh80553pg0884m / bx80553940 / bx80553940t / bx80553940t2 940, 333 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 512 kb 3813 or greater 360 - hh80552re099512 / bx80552360 360, 36 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 512 kb 3392 or greater intel pentium 4 505 / 505j - jm80547pe0671m / bx80547pe2667e / bx80547pe2667ej 506 - hh80547pe0671mn / jm80547pe0671mn / bx80547pe2667en 22 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2x1 mb 2706 or greater 915 - hh80553pg0724mn / bx80553915 / bx80553915r 915, 28 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2x1 mb 2706 or greater 830 - hh80551pg0802mn / bx80551pg3000fn / bx80551pg3000ft 830, 3 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2x1 mb 2706 or greater 840 - hh80551pg0882mn / bx80551pg3200fn / bx80551pg3200ft 840, 38 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2 mb 3021 or greater 672 - hh80547pg1122mh 672, 38 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 256 kb 1788 or greater 341 - hh80547re077cn / jm80547re077cn / bx80547re2933cn 341, 28 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1042 or greater 620 - jm80547pg0722mm / bx80547pg2800f 620, 266 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 256 kb 1788 or greater 336 - hh80547re072cn / jm80547re072cn / bx80547re2800cn 336, 280 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 256 kb 1042 or greater 340j - b80547re077256 / jm80547re077256 / bx80547re2933c 341 - hh80547re077cn / jm80547re077cn / bx80547re2933cn 233 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 256 kb 1788 or greater 356 - hh80552re093512 / bx80552356 356, 380 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1042 or greater 505 / 505j - jm80547pe0671m / bx80547pe2667e / bx80547pe2667ej 505, 240 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 256 kb 1042 or greater 325j - b80547re061256 / jm80547re061256 / bx80547re2533c 326 - hh80547re061cn / jm80547re061cn / bx80547re2533cn 240 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1042 or greater 560 / 560j - jm80547pg1041m / bx80547pg3600e / bx80547pg3600ej 561 - jm80547pg1041mm / bx80547pg3600ek / bx80547pg3600ekt 32 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 256 kb 1788 or greater 352 - hh80552re088512 / bx80552352 352, 393 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1788 or greater 519 / 519j - jm80547pe0831m 519k - hh80547pe0831mn / jm80547pe0831mn / bx80547pe3066en 519, 306 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1042 or greater 520 / 520j - hh80547pg0721m / jm80547pg0721m / bx80547pg2800e / bx80547pg2800ej 520, 26 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2 mb 3021 or greater 661 - hh80552pg1042m / bx80552661 / bx80552661t / bx80552661t2 661, 380 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1042 or greater 530 / 530j - hh80547pg0801m / jm80547pg0801m / bx80547pg3000e / bx80547pg3000ej 531 - hh80547pg0801mm / jm80547pg0801mm / bx80547pg3000ek / bx80547pg3000ekt 3 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1042 or greater 519 / 519j - jm80547pe0831m 519k - hh80547pe0831mn / jm80547pe0831mn / bx80547pe3066en 524 - hh80547pe0831mm / bx80547pe3066e 306 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1788 or greater 530 / 530j - hh80547pg0801m / jm80547pg0801m / bx80547pg3000e / bx80547pg3000ej 530, 3 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1042 or greater 531 - hh80547pg0801mm / jm80547pg0801mm / bx80547pg3000ek / bx80547pg3000ekt 531, 3 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1788 or greater 540 / 540j - hh80547pg0881m / jm80547pg0881m / bx80547pg3200e / bx80547pg3200ej 540, 36 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2 mb 3813 or greater 662 - hh80547pg1042mh 662 - hh80547pg1042mp 662, 393 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 256 kb 1788 or greater 346 - hh80547re083cn / jm80547re083cn / bx80547re3066cn 346, 306 ghz, 533 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1788 or greater 540 / 540j - hh80547pg0881m / jm80547pg0881m / bx80547pg3200e / bx80547pg3200ej 541 - hh80547pg0881mm / jm80547pg0881mm / bx80547pg3200ek 38 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2 mb 1042 or greater 630 - hh80547pg0802mm / jm80547pg0802mm / bx80547pg3000f / bx80547pg3000ft 630, 3 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2 mb 3021 or greater 631 - hh80552pg0802m / bx80552631 / bx80552631t / bx80552631t2 631, 3 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2 mb 3992 or greater 640 - hh80547pg0882mm / jm80547pg0882mm / bx80547pg3200f / bx80547pg3200ft 640, 33 • support for pci express revision 18 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2x2 mb 3127 or greater 925 - hh80553pg0804mn / bx80553925 925, 3 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 4 mb 3992 or greater 930 - hh80553pg0804m / bx80553930 / bx80553930t / bx80553930t2 930, 3 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 2x2 mb 3813 or greater 935 - hh80553pg0884mn / bx80553935 935, 34 ghz, 800 mhz fsb, 1 mb 1788 or greater 551 - hh80547pg0961mm /


  • Features two sealed bearings on crankshaft-simple design for lighter weight aluminum alloy crankcase rear mounted pumper carburetor ensures easier installation and smooth idling and dependable fuel flow during flights fully automatic electronic ignition two year limited warranty through hobby services beginning at date of purchase includes engine, spark plug, four standoffs, ignition, muffler, muffler gasket, two 5x20mm muffler bolts, four 5x60mm mounting bolts instruction manual requirements gasoline with at least 87 octane rating 2-cycle oil, mix ratio for this engine is 30 parts gas to one part oil and must be followed exactly for warranty consideration and optimum performance 48 - 6v nimh/nicd, or 6hhis is the dle 30cc gasoline powered engine with electronic ignition and rear mounted carburetor4v lipo battery for ignition (separate receiver style pack can be used) (lipo & life requires voltage regulator) propeller, 1/8

  • Imaging lens mount micro four thirds camera format micro four thirds (2x crop factor) pixels actual: megapixel effective: 203 megapixel max resolution 20 mp: x aspect ratio sensor type / size mos, 17264, mov, mp4 audio: aac, dolby digital 2ch dust reduction system yes memory card type sd sdhc sdxc image stabilization sensor-shift, 5-way av recording video recording yes, ntsc/pal video format x p at fps x p at fps x p at fps x p at fps aspect ratio audio recording built-in mic: with video (stereo) optional external mic: with video (stereo + mono) focus control focus type auto & manual focus mode continuous-servo af (c), flexible (aff), manual focus (m), single-servo af (s) autofocus points contrast detection: 225 viewfinder/display viewfinder type electronic viewfinder pixel count viewfinder eye point mm viewfinder coverage 100% viewfinder magnification approx76x diopter adjustment -4 to +3 m display screen 33 x 13 mm file formats still images: jpeg, raw movies: avchd ver

  • Hermoso cuchillo rambo 2 (replica del de la película) imperdible three seven six four three six two one one four

  • Skateboarding featuring andy mc donald gbc original product identifiers publisher thq game mtv sports: skateboarding featuring andy macdonald mpn 785138320489 upc 785138320489 key features platform nintendo game boy color esrb rating e - everyone genre sports location usa tech details control elements gamepad/joystick number of players 1 release year 2000 game special features •choose from four playable characters •includes four play modes •compete in 18 cities from an isometric perspective


  • Battle, and time trials •choose from eight playable characters and three kart engines •challenge friends or the computer in 16 racing courses and four battle courses game series mario kart seriesmario kart pal version n64 completo con caja y manual mario kart - sistema; pal version para consolas europeas product identifiers publisher nintendo game mario kart 64 mpn nus-nkte-usa upc 45496870027 key features platform nintendo 64 esrb rating e - everyone genre racing location usa tech details control elements gamepad/joystick number of players 1-4 release year 1997 game special features •compete in four game modes: mario gp, vs


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