Xiaomi and more

Listado xiaomi and more

  • Less and more offers boundless inspiration for anyone interested in the aesthetic and functional aspects of applied designtrue to the principle of “less, but better,” his elegantly clear visual language not only defined product design for generations, but also our fundamental understanding of what design is and what it can and should doin his more than 4 years at braun, rams established himself as one of the most influential designers of the twentieth centurytapa dura, 19 x 23 cm 808 páginas gestalten, inglés / alemánnow available again, this is the definitive reference book on the work of dieter rams

  • As of today, all popular android devices branded samsung, lg, motorola, google nexus, htc, huawei, sony, lenovo, xiaomi and more, use this standardmicrofono condenser portatil ik multimedia irig mic - oddity ****** oddity music ****** - tenemos stock para entrega inmediata - estamos cerca de la estación callao del subte b - horarios de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 19:00 - sábados de 10:00 a 13:00 - envíos a todo el país - hacemos factura a y b ****** oddity music ****** irig mic: el primer micrófono de mano para dispositivos iphone, ipod touch, ipad y android graba audio y voz de calidad en donde quiera que estés con iphone, ipod touch y ipadlos vocalistas pueden agregar efectos como el armonizador de coros, la corrección de altura tonal, duplicación de coros, eliminación de sibilancia y más, con funciones avanzadas de canto y grabaciónel conector de mini-toma de entrada/salida de irig mic te permite monitorear tus grabaciones en tiempo real sin desconectar el micrófono de tu iphone/ipod o ipadsu forma familiar es perfecta para usar en mano, además te permite montarlo en un soporte para micrófono y tener el dispositivo libre para utilizar tu aplicación favoritala aplicación incluida * irig recorder free es la nueva aplicación de ik que facilita la rápida grabación y procesamiento de audio para que todos puedan usarla, inclusive quienes no son músicosirig mic es ideal para los cantantes, vocalistas y compositores en movimiento, pero también es perfecto para grabar discursos, instrumentos, interpretaciones u otras fuentes de sonido en el estudio, en el escenario o en el campoesto incluye un amplio rango de aplicaciones de música para el procesamiento de audio, canto sobre pistas y grabación, (para la creación de música profesional o entretenimiento personal) videos, multimedia y aplicaciones para juegos, además de miles mássu conector de mini-toma y cable de 2 m/6,5 pies facilitan la grabación de cualquier fuente de sonido mientras mantienes el iphone o ipad a una distancia conveniente para la operación de tu aplicación favoritaahora puedes realizar grabaciones de audio y voz profesionales dondequiera que estés en tu dispositivo ios***funciona con tus dispositivos android*** el regocijo de los usuarios de android! ahora puedes usar irig mic con tu dispositivo android y tus aplicaciones de audio android preferidas15 años de experiencia en los mercados de audio profesional han producido tres poderosas aplicaciones para cantantes y compositores incluidos * con irig mic:vocalive free, amplitube free y irig recorder freetambién, irig mic viene con irig recorder free for android, una aplicación de procesamiento y captura de audio intuitiva y extremadamente fácil de usaririg mic presenta una cápsula de micrófono condensador-electrostático unidireccional que proporciona grabaciones de calidad en condiciones con micrófonos cercanos o de larga distancia y proporciona monitoreo en tiempo real con su diseño de doble conector de mini-entradala cápsula condensadora-electrostática de irig mic con un preciso patrón unidireccional y agarre de alta presión garantiza la reproducción vocal limpia, nítida y de alta calidad, hasta en entornos ruidosos, sin distorsión, incluso en el más amplio rango de dinámica de volumento be compatible, the mobile device must be compliant with the ctia/ahj wiring standardla aplicación incluida * amplitube free es la compañera perfecta para los compositores y presenta efectos de bajo y guitarra en tiempo real, con capacidad para grabación y masterizaciónirig mic es el primer micrófono condensador de mano de calidad para iphone, ipod touch y ipad diseñado para todos los requerimientos sonoros móvilesquienes no son músicos lo considerarán una herramienta indispensable para las grabaciones en alta calidad de podcast, discursos, lecciones, entrevistas, sonido de videos y otras fuentes que pueden grabarse en movimiento con sus dispositivos móvilessu salida de mini-toma estéreo puede conectarse fácilmente a auriculares tradicionales o entradas a mezcladoras, altavoces amplificados, amplificadores y sistemas pasu superficie de metal resistente está preparada para que lo transporten los músicos con movilidadlos músicos aman la versatilidad de irig mic para la grabación y la reproducción exacta de sus instrumentos acústicos y amplificados, o hasta de sus interpretaciones y conciertos en vivoirig mic puede usarse con cualquier otra aplicación que usa el micrófono del dispositivo para procesar o grabar audio en el iphone, ipod y ipadcon millones de instalaciones y posicionamiento constante entre las principales aplicaciones de música, ik multimedia es el líder en las aplicaciones de creación de música profesional en la plataforma iospara los cantantes y vocalistas, la nueva aplicación vocalive free incluida* con irig mic ofrece por primera vez un paquete móvil de efectos en tiempo real dedicados al procesamiento vocal en vivoirig mic también viene* con vocalive free, el paquete de procesador de efectos en tiempo real de ik para los cantantes y vocalistas, y amplitube free para guitarristas y compositores yirig recorder free, una aplicación de ik para grabar y procesar audio rápidamenteirig mic es completamente compatible con la mayoría de los dispositivos y aplicaciones que admiten y procesan audio, aplicaciones como skype, tune me, the booth rap studio, voice pro, por nombrar algunosirig mic también funciona con una amplia variedad de aplicaciones de procesamiento de audio y voz para la plataforma iosun pulsador de tres niveles permite el ajuste instantáneo para cualquier condición de presión de sonido, desde hablar en voz suave hasta tocar a todo volumenlos tres pulsadores de nivel de ganancia (para fuentes de presión de sonido alto, medio y bajo) hacen que configurar irid mic sea facilísimo, mientras que su forma familiar te permite sostenerlo cómodamente con una mano o ubicarlo en un soporte de micrófono estándarideal para las aplicaciones vocales, ya sea canto o discursos +grandioso para todo tipo de grabación o procesamiento de música u otras aplicaciones de audio +cápsula unidireccional condensadora-electroestática de calidad +conector doble de mini-toma que permite el monitoreo en tiempo real en auriculares, altavoces, mezcladoras, pas +estructura duradera de metal resistente +fácil de configurar en cualquier fuente de sonido +puede utilizarse como micrófono de mano o en un soporte de micrófono estándar +viene con aplicaciones para cantantes y compositores +funciona con tus (otras) aplicaciones de audio preferidas los cantantes y vocalistas descubrirán que irig mic es el compañero ideal para capturar su voz en alta fidelidad para el procesamiento de audio en tiempo real durante las interpretaciones en vivo o las sesiones de grabaciónno se requiere software adicional, simplemente conecta irig mic a tu toma de entrada/auricular y lanza tu aplicación favorita


  • As of today, all popular android devices branded samsung, lg, motorola, google nexus, htc, huawei, sony, lenovo, xiaomi and more, use this standardlos vocalistas pueden agregar efectos como el armonizador de coros, la corrección de altura tonal, duplicación de coros, eliminación de sibilancia y más, con funciones avanzadas de canto y grabaciónel conector de mini-toma de entrada/salida de irig mic te permite monitorear tus grabaciones en tiempo real sin desconectar el micrófono de tu iphone/ipod o ipadsu forma familiar es perfecta para usar en mano, además te permite montarlo en un soporte para micrófono y tener el dispositivo libre para utilizar tu aplicación favoritala aplicación incluida * irig recorder free es la nueva aplicación de ik que facilita la rápida grabación y procesamiento de audio para que todos puedan usarla, inclusive quienes no son músicosmicrofono condenser portatil ik multimedia irig mic ios y ****** oddity music ****** - tenemos stock para entrega inmediata - estamos cerca de la estación callao del subte b - horarios de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 19:00 - sábados de 10:00 a 13:00 - envíos a todo el país - hacemos factura a y b ****** oddity music ****** irig mic: el primer micrófono de mano para dispositivos iphone, ipod touch, ipad y android graba audio y voz de calidad en donde quiera que estés con iphone, ipod touch y ipadirig mic es ideal para los cantantes, vocalistas y compositores en movimiento, pero también es perfecto para grabar discursos, instrumentos, interpretaciones u otras fuentes de sonido en el estudio, en el escenario o en el campoesto incluye un amplio rango de aplicaciones de música para el procesamiento de audio, canto sobre pistas y grabación, (para la creación de música profesional o entretenimiento personal) videos, multimedia y aplicaciones para juegos, además de miles mássu conector de mini-toma y cable de 2 m/6,5 pies facilitan la grabación de cualquier fuente de sonido mientras mantienes el iphone o ipad a una distancia conveniente para la operación de tu aplicación favoritaahora puedes realizar grabaciones de audio y voz profesionales dondequiera que estés en tu dispositivo ios***funciona con tus dispositivos android*** el regocijo de los usuarios de android! ahora puedes usar irig mic con tu dispositivo android y tus aplicaciones de audio android preferidas15 años de experiencia en los mercados de audio profesional han producido tres poderosas aplicaciones para cantantes y compositores incluidos * con irig mic:vocalive free, amplitube free y irig recorder freetambién, irig mic viene con irig recorder free for android, una aplicación de procesamiento y captura de audio intuitiva y extremadamente fácil de usaririg mic presenta una cápsula de micrófono condensador-electrostático unidireccional que proporciona grabaciones de calidad en condiciones con micrófonos cercanos o de larga distancia y proporciona monitoreo en tiempo real con su diseño de doble conector de mini-entradala cápsula condensadora-electrostática de irig mic con un preciso patrón unidireccional y agarre de alta presión garantiza la reproducción vocal limpia, nítida y de alta calidad, hasta en entornos ruidosos, sin distorsión, incluso en el más amplio rango de dinámica de volumento be compatible, the mobile device must be compliant with the ctia/ahj wiring standardla aplicación incluida * amplitube free es la compañera perfecta para los compositores y presenta efectos de bajo y guitarra en tiempo real, con capacidad para grabación y masterizaciónirig mic es el primer micrófono condensador de mano de calidad para iphone, ipod touch y ipad diseñado para todos los requerimientos sonoros móvilesquienes no son músicos lo considerarán una herramienta indispensable para las grabaciones en alta calidad de podcast, discursos, lecciones, entrevistas, sonido de videos y otras fuentes que pueden grabarse en movimiento con sus dispositivos móvilessu salida de mini-toma estéreo puede conectarse fácilmente a auriculares tradicionales o entradas a mezcladoras, altavoces amplificados, amplificadores y sistemas pasu superficie de metal resistente está preparada para que lo transporten los músicos con movilidadlos músicos aman la versatilidad de irig mic para la grabación y la reproducción exacta de sus instrumentos acústicos y amplificados, o hasta de sus interpretaciones y conciertos en vivoirig mic puede usarse con cualquier otra aplicación que usa el micrófono del dispositivo para procesar o grabar audio en el iphone, ipod y ipadcon millones de instalaciones y posicionamiento constante entre las principales aplicaciones de música, ik multimedia es el líder en las aplicaciones de creación de música profesional en la plataforma iospara los cantantes y vocalistas, la nueva aplicación vocalive free incluida* con irig mic ofrece por primera vez un paquete móvil de efectos en tiempo real dedicados al procesamiento vocal en vivoirig mic también viene* con vocalive free, el paquete de procesador de efectos en tiempo real de ik para los cantantes y vocalistas, y amplitube free para guitarristas y compositores yirig recorder free, una aplicación de ik para grabar y procesar audio rápidamenteirig mic es completamente compatible con la mayoría de los dispositivos y aplicaciones que admiten y procesan audio, aplicaciones como skype, tune me, the booth rap studio, voice pro, por nombrar algunosirig mic también funciona con una amplia variedad de aplicaciones de procesamiento de audio y voz para la plataforma iosun pulsador de tres niveles permite el ajuste instantáneo para cualquier condición de presión de sonido, desde hablar en voz suave hasta tocar a todo volumenlos tres pulsadores de nivel de ganancia (para fuentes de presión de sonido alto, medio y bajo) hacen que configurar irid mic sea facilísimo, mientras que su forma familiar te permite sostenerlo cómodamente con una mano o ubicarlo en un soporte de micrófono estándarideal para las aplicaciones vocales, ya sea canto o discursos +grandioso para todo tipo de grabación o procesamiento de música u otras aplicaciones de audio +cápsula unidireccional condensadora-electroestática de calidad +conector doble de mini-toma que permite el monitoreo en tiempo real en auriculares, altavoces, mezcladoras, pas +estructura duradera de metal resistente +fácil de configurar en cualquier fuente de sonido +puede utilizarse como micrófono de mano o en un soporte de micrófono estándar +viene con aplicaciones para cantantes y compositores +funciona con tus (otras) aplicaciones de audio preferidas los cantantes y vocalistas descubrirán que irig mic es el compañero ideal para capturar su voz en alta fidelidad para el procesamiento de audio en tiempo real durante las interpretaciones en vivo o las sesiones de grabaciónno se requiere software adicional, simplemente conecta irig mic a tu toma de entrada/auricular y lanza tu aplicación favorita


  • Rowling and more than 200 extraordinary illustrations from jim kay¿harry potter 1 and 2 - illustrated - jrowling box - tapa dura idioma: ingles isbn: harry potter in glorious colour – this magical hardback box set contains the illustrated editions of harry potter and the philosopher's stone and harry potter and the chamber of secretsthis is the beginning of an amazing illustrated adventure and the perfect gift for harry potter fans of any agetwo irresistible complete novels – over 500 pages of classic storytelling from j

  • Active strap technology reduces friction and creates more room so that getting in and out of your binding is faster and easier than everpower straps flow powerstraps cover a larger area especially over the mid-foot, connecting the ankle and toe zones for a more comfortable, convenient, and more powerful riding experienceset-it and forget-it means: always enjoy the perfect and consistent tightness, no hassle with ratchets in the snow, and with our new locking slap ratchetsinnovation has defined the nitro fate series and we are continuing to improve this popular & versatile deck by adding our new cam-out camber this year for more liveliness, support, and controlhe powerlite core and dual degressive sidecut allow you to effortlessly progress your style, confidence and style every day on the mountainthe result is a binding which is engineered to give you a better day on the hill simply by being the most comfortable binding, giving you more power and control over your snowboard so that making turns and doing tricks is easier than everbecause we believe snowboarding should be fun, we don’t like sitting down in the snow, and we expect more from a binding than just holding the boot down on the boardcore technology these are the three fundamental technologies that can be found in every single flow binding, and which make flow bindings an industry leade active strap technology speedentry has never been more convenient without sacrificing the superior performance, comfort, and power transmission that flow bindings are famous forour flow powerstraps and the adjustment buckles are also designed to work seamlessly with the speedentry reclining hibackyou have to adjust these foot-straps to your boot only once, then you lock the ratchets into place, and you can immediately start to enjoy the ease of getting into and out of your bindings through the hibackthe fate experience the progression designed to offer a familiar ride in any conditions through a responsive, yet forgiving cam-out camber, and a perfect blend of sidecut and flex to give you full control of your own “fate”never torture your feet again during a full day of riding with the performance and comfort of flow powerstraps), the strap automatically lifts up when you open the reclining hiback and actively tightens again when you close the hibackyou do not have to tighten our powerstraps to the point where you cut off your circulation and get cramped feet like with other brands bindingseste modelo de fijaciones ofrece una mezcla perfecta entre comodidad y controluna vez que las usás, no querés volver mas al sistema tradicional de straps que implica sentarse en la nieve, mojarse la cola y tardar bastante tiempo en la colocacion y ajustebinding technology flow bindings are designed unlike any other bindingson fijaciones muy livianas y con una excelente sensibilidadesto sumado a su suela canteada hace que puedas andar con ellas en toda la montaña con un gran soporte y estabilidadon top of it all, our bindings are super easy to usecon las fijaciones flow, simplemente es un simple kick dentro de la bota, talonera arriba y a surfear la nieveexcelente fijacion de snowboard, cuyo principal ventaja es la practica y facil colocacionwith our revolutionary active strap technology (nthis is the essence of every flow bindingwe wanted our bindings to be the most comfortable, performance driven, but easy to use bindings on the hillwe’re changing the game in binding performanceexcelente relación entre calidad, comodidad, simplicidad y preciodon´t deny yourself a new winter filled with good times – it´s fate! features powerlite core reflex core profile bi-lite laminates sintered speed formula hd base characteristics shape directional twin camber cam-out width standard womens flex all terrain sidecut dual degressive esta publicacion incluye las fijaciones flow mk

  • Active strap technology reduces friction and creates more room so that getting in and out of your binding is faster and easier than everpower straps flow powerstraps cover a larger area especially over the mid-foot, connecting the ankle and toe zones for a more comfortable, convenient, and more powerful riding experienceset-it and forget-it means: always enjoy the perfect and consistent tightness, no hassle with ratchets in the snow, and with our new locking slap ratchetscoflex core: combines high-tech composites and handcrafted wood-core elementsthe base is glossed with optix crystal for top speed and low maintenancethe result is a binding which is engineered to give you a better day on the hill simply by being the most comfortable binding, giving you more power and control over your snowboard so that making turns and doing tricks is easier than everbecause we believe snowboarding should be fun, we don’t like sitting down in the snow, and we expect more from a binding than just holding the boot down on the boardflow starts with incredibly light exotic wood and surround the core with high-pressure reinforced fiber compositesthe flow strike snowboard is the all around shred machine for entry level and intermediate riderscore technology these are the three fundamental technologies that can be found in every single flow binding, and which make flow bindings an industry leade active strap technology speedentry has never been more convenient without sacrificing the superior performance, comfort, and power transmission that flow bindings are famous forour flow powerstraps and the adjustment buckles are also designed to work seamlessly with the speedentry reclining hibacka wise choice sleepy sir, this is top quality and performance like the industry has never seen beforeyou have to adjust these foot-straps to your boot only once, then you lock the ratchets into place, and you can immediately start to enjoy the ease of getting into and out of your bindings through the hibacket edge: extra thick edge is 20% taller than standard edges for added strength and deep carving on powdernever torture your feet again during a full day of riding with the performance and comfort of flow powerstrapsproduct details other features directional, all mountain freestyle: similar to a twin, the nose is 1 cm longer & the stance is slightly set back for more snap in the tail & better float through powder and rough conditionsthe pt biax adds tons of pop and compression strength for when your ready to progress to big air jumps), the strap automatically lifts up when you open the reclining hiback and actively tightens again when you close the hibackthis high-tech process delivers the benefits of pure wood-core the strike is made up five new shapes utilizing the performance-proven dual-transitional sidecut and structurn finishyou do not have to tighten our powerstraps to the point where you cut off your circulation and get cramped feet like with other brands bindingsthe strike is designed for beginner riders that want to try their first grinds in the park with a snowboard that is flexible, lightweight, and forgivingeste modelo de fijaciones ofrece una mezcla perfecta entre comodidad y controlflow strike snowboard: after napping for 500 years, rumplestiltskin decided to awake when he heard flow was coming out with the new version of the strike snowboarduna vez que las usás, no querés volver mas al sistema tradicional de straps que implica sentarse en la nieve, mojarse la cola y tardar bastante tiempo en la colocacion y ajustebinding technology flow bindings are designed unlike any other bindingson fijaciones muy livianas y con una excelente sensibilidadesto sumado a su suela canteada hace que puedas andar con ellas en toda la montaña con un gran soporte y estabilidadthe nose is engineered to be 1 cm longer to add float on powder—perfect for learning how to carveon top of it all, our bindings are super easy to usecon las fijaciones flow, simplemente es un simple kick dentro de la bota, talonera arriba y a surfear la nieveexcelente fijacion de snowboard, cuyo principal ventaja es la practica y facil colocacionwith our revolutionary active strap technology (nthis is the essence of every flow bindingwe wanted our bindings to be the most comfortable, performance driven, but easy to use bindings on the hillwe’re changing the game in binding performancetapered radial side cut: enables consistent, smooth turnsthe new designs combine a new lighter coflex core with exotic pretensioned glass to insure the progressing rider all the performance you can wantexcelente relación entre calidad, comodidad, simplicidad y preciobe sure to wave hello to rumplestiltskin when you zoom by him in the terrain parkesta publicacion incluye las fijaciones flow mk

  • For more information regarding product and purchasing process send your inquiry to: whatsapp chat: +1(507)690-2732 email: alorder information: shipping method: fedex & ups and dhlkindly contact us for more product that are not listed abovehere is the list of other products that we sell below: camcorder, camera, camera lens, portable players, smartphones, tablet, tab, airpods, laptop, notebook, msi, pc, playstation, gopro, tv, refrigerator, sodastream, cisco switch, msi geforce and watch,antminerwhatsapp chat: – +1(507)690-2732 also we have: apple iphone 11 64gb-256gb-512gb apple iphone 11 pro 64gb-256gb-512gb apple phone 11 pro max 64gb-256gb-512gb apple iphone 6s 32 gg apple iphone 7 32 – 128 – 256 gb apple iphone 7 plus 32 – 128 – 256 gb apple iphone 8 64 – 256 gb apple iphone 8 plus 64 – 256 gb apple iphone x 64 – 256 gb apple watch series 5 samsung galaxy note 10 (256gb) (aura glow,aura white,aura black,aura blue) here is the list of mobile phones that we sell below: apple iphone, samsung galaxy, lg, sony xperia, oneplus, google pixel, nokia, huawei, cat, htc, lenovo, xiaomi, olympusapple iphone 11 pro max these smartphones or tablets are 100% original, fully unlocked to all networks in all countries, new, sealed in a new box with 1 year warrantytools return policy: this is to let you know that if there is any report of damage of product ordered from us with the first six months of purchase,we shall refund your money or replace with a brand new one of that same product but all claims must be genuine


  • Google google nexus, google nexus s, google nexus one, google nexus 4, google nexus 5, google nexus 6 and morecompatible with usb compatible with pc, laptops, note books & mac store music, photos, videos and much much more supports windows /vista/xp//mac os x & linux easy to read and write in high speed simply plug in and play shock resistant and damp proof micro usb / otg side compatible with all android smart phones and tablets compatible with iphone and ipad (when used with 8 pin micro usb adaptor) perfect for on the go (otg) download and store music, films, photos and more no need for installation software compatible devices these usb/micro usb flash memory drives are compatible with all smart phones that have a micro usb portnokia nokia n8, nokia lumia 510, nokia lumia 520, nokia lumia 525, nokia lumia 530, nokia lumia 535, nokia lumia , nokia lumia , and morehtc htc one, htc one mini, htc one mini 2, htc one m8, htc one m9, htc one v, htc one x, htc evo 4g, htc evo4g lte, and moresony sony xperia s, sony xperia z2, sony xperia z3, sony xperia ion, sony xperia acro s, sony xperia sola, sony xperia t2 ultra, sony xperia m2, sony xperia t, sony xperia c3, sony xperia e1, and moreiphone, iphone 3g, iphone 3gs, iphone 4, iphone 4s, iphone 5, iphone 5c, iphone 5s, iphone 6, iphone 6 plus, ipad, ipad 2, ipad 3, ipad 4, ipad air, ipad mini, ipad mini 2, ipad mini 3, ipad mini 4 and moresamsung samsung galaxy spica, samsung galaxy s, samsung galaxy s2, samsung galaxy s3, samsung galaxy s3 mini, samsung galaxy s4, samsung galaxy s4 mini, samsung galaxy s5, samsung galaxy s5 mini, samsung galaxy s6, samsung note, samsung note ii, samsung note 3 neo, samsung note 3, samsung note 4, samsung note edge, samsung alpha, samsung mega, samsung mega 2, and morebelow is a list of a few examples that are compatibleapple - please note that these memory flash drives are only compatible with apple product when used with a micro usb 8 pin connectornuevos, 1 mes de garantia 2tb reales se retiran por el barrio de abasto lunes a viernes de 12 a 19hs sab 11 a 13hs envios x moto cap fed resto del pais mercado envios

  • Google google nexus, google nexus s, google nexus one, google nexus 4, google nexus 5, google nexus 6 and more0 compatible with pc, laptops, note books & mac store music, photos, videos and much much more supports windows 10/8/7/vista/xp/2000/mac os x & linux easy to read and write in high speed simply plug in and play shock resistant and damp proof micro usb / otg side compatible with all android smart phones and tablets compatible with iphone and ipad (when used with 8 pin micro usb adaptor) perfect for on the go (otg) download and store music, films, photos and more no need for installation software compatible devices these usb/micro usb flash memory drives are compatible with all smart phones that have a micro usb portnokia nokia n8, nokia lumia 510, nokia lumia 520, nokia lumia 525, nokia lumia 530, nokia lumia 535, nokia lumia 1320, nokia lumia 1520, and morehtc htc one, htc one mini, htc one mini 2, htc one m8, htc one m9, htc one v, htc one x, htc evo 4g, htc evo4g lte, and moresony sony xperia s, sony xperia z2, sony xperia z3, sony xperia ion, sony xperia acro s, sony xperia sola, sony xperia t2 ultra, sony xperia m2, sony xperia t, sony xperia c3, sony xperia e1, and moreiphone, iphone 3g, iphone 3gs, iphone 4, iphone 4s, iphone 5, iphone 5c, iphone 5s, iphone 6, iphone 6 plus, ipad, ipad 2, ipad 3, ipad 4, ipad air, ipad mini, ipad mini 2, ipad mini 3, ipad mini 4 and moresamsung samsung galaxy spica, samsung galaxy s, samsung galaxy s2, samsung galaxy s3, samsung galaxy s3 mini, samsung galaxy s4, samsung galaxy s4 mini, samsung galaxy s5, samsung galaxy s5 mini, samsung galaxy s6, samsung note, samsung note ii, samsung note 3 neo, samsung note 3, samsung note 4, samsung note edge, samsung alpha, samsung mega, samsung mega 2, and morebelow is a list of a few examples that are compatibleapple - please note that these memory flash drives are only compatible with apple product when used with a micro usb 8 pin connectorpen drive dual usb otg 2 tb reales garantia! compatible with usb 1nuevos, 1 mes de garantia 2tb reales se retiran por el barrio de abasto lunes a viernes de 12 a 19hs sab 11 a 13hs envios x moto cap fed resto del pais mercado envios


  • Active strap technology reduces friction and creates more room so that getting in and out of your binding is faster and easier than everpower straps flow powerstraps cover a larger area especially over the mid-foot, connecting the ankle and toe zones for a more comfortable, convenient, and more powerful riding experiencethe laid-back flatout rocker and directional shape provide the perfect blend of flex, sidecut and forgiveness to get you in and out of any situation with style and easeset-it and forget-it means: always enjoy the perfect and consistent tightness, no hassle with ratchets in the snow, and with our new locking slap ratchetspowercore: performance driven our powercore uses tip-to-tail poplar wood, providing lightweight strength and the perfect blend of flex, response and feelthe result is a binding which is engineered to give you a better day on the hill simply by being the most comfortable binding, giving you more power and control over your snowboard so that making turns and doing tricks is easier than everbecause we believe snowboarding should be fun, we don’t like sitting down in the snow, and we expect more from a binding than just holding the boot down on the boardcore technology these are the three fundamental technologies that can be found in every single flow binding, and which make flow bindings an industry leade active strap technology speedentry has never been more convenient without sacrificing the superior performance, comfort, and power transmission that flow bindings are famous forour flow powerstraps and the adjustment buckles are also designed to work seamlessly with the speedentry reclining hibackyou have to adjust these foot-straps to your boot only once, then you lock the ratchets into place, and you can immediately start to enjoy the ease of getting into and out of your bindings through the hibackit´s time to blast past the learning curve and show yourself how good you really are! features powercore bi-lite laminates premium extruded fh base characteristics shape directional camber flatout rocker width standard womens flex all terrain sidecut radial bi-lite laminates: forgiving and strong our rider-trusted bi-lite laminates are engineered for unrivaled strength, powerful style and refined board-feelnever torture your feet again during a full day of riding with the performance and comfort of flow powerstraps), the strap automatically lifts up when you open the reclining hiback and actively tightens again when you close the hibackyou do not have to tighten our powerstraps to the point where you cut off your circulation and get cramped feet like with other brands bindingsthe lectra progressions best friend the lectra´s relaxed ride and progression-friendly features will make it easy to go from butters in the park to navigating the double black diamondseste modelo de fijaciones ofrece una mezcla perfecta entre comodidad y controluna vez que las usás, no querés volver mas al sistema tradicional de straps que implica sentarse en la nieve, mojarse la cola y tardar bastante tiempo en la colocacion y ajustebinding technology flow bindings are designed unlike any other bindingson fijaciones muy livianas y con una excelente sensibilidadesto sumado a su suela canteada hace que puedas andar con ellas en toda la montaña con un gran soporte y estabilidadon top of it all, our bindings are super easy to usecon las fijaciones flow, simplemente es un simple kick dentro de la bota, talonera arriba y a surfear la nieveexcelente fijacion de snowboard, cuyo principal ventaja es la practica y facil colocacionwith our revolutionary active strap technology (nthis is the essence of every flow bindingwe wanted our bindings to be the most comfortable, performance driven, but easy to use bindings on the hillwe’re changing the game in binding performancethe lectra was designed to help you progress from the weekend warrior to the full time shred you always wanted to be with easeexcelente relación entre calidad, comodidad, simplicidad y precioesta publicacion incluye las fijaciones flow mk

  • Active strap technology reduces friction and creates more room so that getting in and out of your binding is faster and easier than everpower straps flow powerstraps cover a larger area especially over the mid-foot, connecting the ankle and toe zones for a more comfortable, convenient, and more powerful riding experiencethe lifted nose and tail provide excellent float, pressability, and forgiveness in any terrainset-it and forget-it means: always enjoy the perfect and consistent tightness, no hassle with ratchets in the snow, and with our new locking slap ratchetsbi-lite laminates: forgiving and strong our rider-trusted bi-lite laminates are engineered for unrivaled strength, powerful style and refined board-feelpowercore: performance driven our powercore uses tip-to-tail poplar wood, providing lightweight strength and the perfect blend of flex, response and feelthis playful yet stabile profile allows for easy progression and all-mountain dominationthe stance has become a favorite among weekend warriors and mid-week die-hards, because the flat-out rocker, which means the nose and tail have an early lift off, allows for forgiving and effortless progression all over the mountainthe result is a binding which is engineered to give you a better day on the hill simply by being the most comfortable binding, giving you more power and control over your snowboard so that making turns and doing tricks is easier than everflat out rocker flat out rocker is a hybrid zero camber profile where the nose and tail lift off before the traditional contact points, providing effortless turns and smooth maneuversbecause we believe snowboarding should be fun, we don’t like sitting down in the snow, and we expect more from a binding than just holding the boot down on the boardcore technology these are the three fundamental technologies that can be found in every single flow binding, and which make flow bindings an industry leade active strap technology speedentry has never been more convenient without sacrificing the superior performance, comfort, and power transmission that flow bindings are famous forour flow powerstraps and the adjustment buckles are also designed to work seamlessly with the speedentry reclining hibackyou have to adjust these foot-straps to your boot only once, then you lock the ratchets into place, and you can immediately start to enjoy the ease of getting into and out of your bindings through the hibacknever torture your feet again during a full day of riding with the performance and comfort of flow powerstraps), the strap automatically lifts up when you open the reclining hiback and actively tightens again when you close the hibackyou do not have to tighten our powerstraps to the point where you cut off your circulation and get cramped feet like with other brands bindingsthe stance nose press past the learning curve poppy and responsive, but forgiving in all the right places to allow you to take your new tricks to new features with easeeste modelo de fijaciones ofrece una mezcla perfecta entre comodidad y controlthe stance blends the best aspects of nitro´s time-and team-tested board technologies with a board shape that allows anyone to carve, jib, or straight-line down the mountain with easeuna vez que las usás, no querés volver mas al sistema tradicional de straps que implica sentarse en la nieve, mojarse la cola y tardar bastante tiempo en la colocacion y ajustebinding technology flow bindings are designed unlike any other bindingson fijaciones muy livianas y con una excelente sensibilidadesto sumado a su suela canteada hace que puedas andar con ellas en toda la montaña con un gran soporte y estabilidadon top of it all, our bindings are super easy to usecon las fijaciones flow, simplemente es un simple kick dentro de la bota, talonera arriba y a surfear la nieveexcelente fijacion de snowboard, cuyo principal ventaja es la practica y facil colocacionwith our revolutionary active strap technology (ntalles disponibles del 34 al 42this is the essence of every flow bindingwe wanted our bindings to be the most comfortable, performance driven, but easy to use bindings on the hillwe’re changing the game in binding performanceexcelente relación entre calidad, comodidad, simplicidad y precioesta publicacion incluye las fijaciones flow mk

  • Active strap technology reduces friction and creates more room so that getting in and out of your binding is faster and easier than everpower straps flow powerstraps cover a larger area especially over the mid-foot, connecting the ankle and toe zones for a more comfortable, convenient, and more powerful riding experience5º bankbeds, locking slap ratchet buckles and an atmset-it and forget-it means: always enjoy the perfect and consistent tightness, no hassle with ratchets in the snow, and with our new locking slap ratchets fuse most fun mix of flex and response the fuse is a mid-range “fun” focused binding with flex and control and is sure to please if you are looking for a great feeling binding that doesn’t compromise responsethe result is a binding which is engineered to give you a better day on the hill simply by being the most comfortable binding, giving you more power and control over your snowboard so that making turns and doing tricks is easier than everbecause we believe snowboarding should be fun, we don’t like sitting down in the snow, and we expect more from a binding than just holding the boot down on the boardthis glass-filled nylon binding features our fusion powerstrap with active strap technology, and offers our 2core technology these are the three fundamental technologies that can be found in every single flow binding, and which make flow bindings an industry leade active strap technology speedentry has never been more convenient without sacrificing the superior performance, comfort, and power transmission that flow bindings are famous for7 supportpanel to give you one of the best fitting and most comfortable bindings on the hillour flow powerstraps and the adjustment buckles are also designed to work seamlessly with the speedentry reclining hibackyou have to adjust these foot-straps to your boot only once, then you lock the ratchets into place, and you can immediately start to enjoy the ease of getting into and out of your bindings through the hibacknever torture your feet again during a full day of riding with the performance and comfort of flow powerstraps), the strap automatically lifts up when you open the reclining hiback and actively tightens again when you close the hibackyou do not have to tighten our powerstraps to the point where you cut off your circulation and get cramped feet like with other brands bindingseste modelo de fijaciones ofrece una mezcla perfecta entre comodidad y controluna vez que las usás, no querés volver mas al sistema tradicional de straps que implica sentarse en la nieve, mojarse la cola y tardar bastante tiempo en la colocacion y ajustebinding technology flow bindings are designed unlike any other bindingson fijaciones muy livianas y con una excelente sensibilidadesto sumado a su suela canteada hace que puedas andar con ellas en toda la montaña con un gran soporte y estabilidadridden by many who focus on freestyle where flex is a key ingredient to performing slope-side trickeryon top of it all, our bindings are super easy to usecon las fijaciones flow, simplemente es un simple kick dentro de la bota, talonera arriba y a surfear la nieveexcelente fijacion de snowboard, cuyo principal ventaja es la practica y facil colocacionwith our revolutionary active strap technology (nthis is the essence of every flow bindingwe wanted our bindings to be the most comfortable, performance driven, but easy to use bindings on the hillwe’re changing the game in binding performanceexcelente relación entre calidad, comodidad, simplicidad y precio

  • Active strap technology reduces friction and creates more room so that getting in and out of your binding is faster and easier than everpower straps flow powerstraps cover a larger area especially over the mid-foot, connecting the ankle and toe zones for a more comfortable, convenient, and more powerful riding experienceset-it and forget-it means: always enjoy the perfect and consistent tightness, no hassle with ratchets in the snow, and with our new locking slap ratchetsbi-lite laminates: forgiving and strong our rider-trusted bi-lite laminates are engineered for unrivaled strength, powerful style and refined board-feelthe result is a binding which is engineered to give you a better day on the hill simply by being the most comfortable binding, giving you more power and control over your snowboard so that making turns and doing tricks is easier than everbecause we believe snowboarding should be fun, we don’t like sitting down in the snow, and we expect more from a binding than just holding the boot down on the boardcore technology these are the three fundamental technologies that can be found in every single flow binding, and which make flow bindings an industry leade active strap technology speedentry has never been more convenient without sacrificing the superior performance, comfort, and power transmission that flow bindings are famous forpowerlite core: lightweight performance and pop the highest grade of ultra-lightweight poplar wood in our powerlite core makes for the perfect ride with lots of pop and unmatched strength at a minimum weightour flow powerstraps and the adjustment buckles are also designed to work seamlessly with the speedentry reclining hibackyou have to adjust these foot-straps to your boot only once, then you lock the ratchets into place, and you can immediately start to enjoy the ease of getting into and out of your bindings through the hibacknever torture your feet again during a full day of riding with the performance and comfort of flow powerstraps), the strap automatically lifts up when you open the reclining hiback and actively tightens again when you close the hibackour trüe camber is the perfect amount of standard camber for riding with full confidence, while maintaining a playful and yet responsive flexyou do not have to tighten our powerstraps to the point where you cut off your circulation and get cramped feet like with other brands bindingsthe team has been an iconic board in our line for over a decade; continuous innovation and flex perfection has been the key to its successover a decade of all-mountain domination since the beginning the team has been our most versatile snowboard, as the most reliable ride for all styles and any type of terrainsintered speed formula base: high density - high durability utilizing a new base material compound, we have been able to achieve higher abrasion resistance, increased wax absorption and higher on-snow speedsteam riders like sam taxwood, who ride the entire mountain from the park, halfpipe, to the steepest of lines, always choose the teamfeatures powerlite core reflex core profile bi-lite laminates sintered speed formula hd base characteristics shape directional twin camber trüe width standard flex all terrain sidecut dual degressive riding style 100% all-terrain 80% freeriding 90% freestyle esta publicacion incluye las fijaciones flow mkeste modelo de fijaciones ofrece una mezcla perfecta entre comodidad y controluna vez que las usás, no querés volver mas al sistema tradicional de straps que implica sentarse en la nieve, mojarse la cola y tardar bastante tiempo en la colocacion y ajustebinding technology flow bindings are designed unlike any other bindingson fijaciones muy livianas y con una excelente sensibilidadesto sumado a su suela canteada hace que puedas andar con ellas en toda la montaña con un gran soporte y estabilidadon top of it all, our bindings are super easy to usecon las fijaciones flow, simplemente es un simple kick dentro de la bota, talonera arriba y a surfear la nieveexcelente fijacion de snowboard, cuyo principal ventaja es la practica y facil colocacionwith our revolutionary active strap technology (nthis is the essence of every flow bindingwe wanted our bindings to be the most comfortable, performance driven, but easy to use bindings on the hillwe’re changing the game in binding performanceexcelente relación entre calidad, comodidad, simplicidad y precio

  • Active strap technology reduces friction and creates more room so that getting in and out of your binding is faster and easier than everpower straps flow powerstraps cover a larger area especially over the mid-foot, connecting the ankle and toe zones for a more comfortable, convenient, and more powerful riding experiencemini-ratchets and a molded composite rockered base plate and hiback complete this great bindingthe exofit strap is comfortable and supportive and the full eva toe and heel inserts add to the performance of the rideset-it and forget-it means: always enjoy the perfect and consistent tightness, no hassle with ratchets in the snow, and with our new locking slap ratchetsthis soft flexing, user-friendly binding focuses on performance, comfort and convenience and is what make this binding so irresistiblethe result is a binding which is engineered to give you a better day on the hill simply by being the most comfortable binding, giving you more power and control over your snowboard so that making turns and doing tricks is easier than everbecause we believe snowboarding should be fun, we don’t like sitting down in the snow, and we expect more from a binding than just holding the boot down on the boardcore technology these are the three fundamental technologies that can be found in every single flow binding, and which make flow bindings an industry leade active strap technology speedentry has never been more convenient without sacrificing the superior performance, comfort, and power transmission that flow bindings are famous forour flow powerstraps and the adjustment buckles are also designed to work seamlessly with the speedentry reclining hibackyou have to adjust these foot-straps to your boot only once, then you lock the ratchets into place, and you can immediately start to enjoy the ease of getting into and out of your bindings through the hibacknever torture your feet again during a full day of riding with the performance and comfort of flow powerstraps), the strap automatically lifts up when you open the reclining hiback and actively tightens again when you close the hibackyou do not have to tighten our powerstraps to the point where you cut off your circulation and get cramped feet like with other brands bindingsnew rider or a veteran, alpha's are a great choice the alpha is an all-mountain binding for the person who is looking for a memorable experience on the hilleste modelo de fijaciones ofrece una mezcla perfecta entre comodidad y controluna vez que las usás, no querés volver mas al sistema tradicional de straps que implica sentarse en la nieve, mojarse la cola y tardar bastante tiempo en la colocacion y ajustebinding technology flow bindings are designed unlike any other bindingson fijaciones muy livianas y con una excelente sensibilidadesto sumado a su suela canteada hace que puedas andar con ellas en toda la montaña con un gran soporte y estabilidadon top of it all, our bindings are super easy to usecon las fijaciones flow, simplemente es un simple kick dentro de la bota, talonera arriba y a surfear la nieveexcelente fijacion de snowboard, cuyo principal ventaja es la practica y facil colocacionwith our revolutionary active strap technology (nthis is the essence of every flow bindingwe wanted our bindings to be the most comfortable, performance driven, but easy to use bindings on the hillwe’re changing the game in binding performanceexcelente relación entre calidad, comodidad, simplicidad y precio

  • Active strap technology reduces friction and creates more room so that getting in and out of your binding is faster and easier than everpower straps flow powerstraps cover a larger area especially over the mid-foot, connecting the ankle and toe zones for a more comfortable, convenient, and more powerful riding experienceset-it and forget-it means: always enjoy the perfect and consistent tightness, no hassle with ratchets in the snow, and with our new locking slap ratchetsthe result is a binding which is engineered to give you a better day on the hill simply by being the most comfortable binding, giving you more power and control over your snowboard so that making turns and doing tricks is easier than everbecause we believe snowboarding should be fun, we don’t like sitting down in the snow, and we expect more from a binding than just holding the boot down on the boardcore technology these are the three fundamental technologies that can be found in every single flow binding, and which make flow bindings an industry leade active strap technology speedentry has never been more convenient without sacrificing the superior performance, comfort, and power transmission that flow bindings are famous forour flow powerstraps and the adjustment buckles are also designed to work seamlessly with the speedentry reclining hibackyou have to adjust these foot-straps to your boot only once, then you lock the ratchets into place, and you can immediately start to enjoy the ease of getting into and out of your bindings through the hibacknever torture your feet again during a full day of riding with the performance and comfort of flow powerstraps), the strap automatically lifts up when you open the reclining hiback and actively tightens again when you close the hibackyou do not have to tighten our powerstraps to the point where you cut off your circulation and get cramped feet like with other brands bindingseste modelo de fijaciones ofrece una mezcla perfecta entre comodidad y controluna vez que las usás, no querés volver mas al sistema tradicional de straps que implica sentarse en la nieve, mojarse la cola y tardar bastante tiempo en la colocacion y ajustebinding technology flow bindings are designed unlike any other bindingson fijaciones muy livianas y con una excelente sensibilidadesto sumado a su suela canteada hace que puedas andar con ellas en toda la montaña con un gran soporte y estabilidadon top of it all, our bindings are super easy to usecon las fijaciones flow, simplemente es un simple kick dentro de la bota, talonera arriba y a surfear la nieveexcelente fijacion de snowboard, cuyo principal ventaja es la practica y facil colocacionwith our revolutionary active strap technology (ntalles disponibles del 34 al 42this is the essence of every flow bindingwe wanted our bindings to be the most comfortable, performance driven, but easy to use bindings on the hillwe’re changing the game in binding performanceexcelente relación entre calidad, comodidad, simplicidad y precio

  • Active strap technology reduces friction and creates more room so that getting in and out of your binding is faster and easier than everpower straps flow powerstraps cover a larger area especially over the mid-foot, connecting the ankle and toe zones for a more comfortable, convenient, and more powerful riding experienceset-it and forget-it means: always enjoy the perfect and consistent tightness, no hassle with ratchets in the snow, and with our new locking slap ratchetsthe result is a binding which is engineered to give you a better day on the hill simply by being the most comfortable binding, giving you more power and control over your snowboard so that making turns and doing tricks is easier than everbecause we believe snowboarding should be fun, we don’t like sitting down in the snow, and we expect more from a binding than just holding the boot down on the boardcore technology these are the three fundamental technologies that can be found in every single flow binding, and which make flow bindings an industry leade active strap technology speedentry has never been more convenient without sacrificing the superior performance, comfort, and power transmission that flow bindings are famous forour flow powerstraps and the adjustment buckles are also designed to work seamlessly with the speedentry reclining hibackyou have to adjust these foot-straps to your boot only once, then you lock the ratchets into place, and you can immediately start to enjoy the ease of getting into and out of your bindings through the hibacknever torture your feet again during a full day of riding with the performance and comfort of flow powerstraps), the strap automatically lifts up when you open the reclining hiback and actively tightens again when you close the hibackyou do not have to tighten our powerstraps to the point where you cut off your circulation and get cramped feet like with other brands bindingsbuilt with the future in mind for the kid who is looking for a board that will give him the support and pop he needs to continue his progression all over the mountain with the same graphic as the big boys! the natural step up from our flat-out ripper boards, the future team´s cam-out camber will provide kids with the response and snap they need for their ever-progressing skill set, without sacrificing the fun, forgiving and playful flex needed for good times all over the mountainif you or your protégé son is looking for a board that will offer all the technology of full-sized boards in a smaller size, look no further than the future team! features powercore bi-lite laminates premium extruded fh base characteristics shape twin camber cam-out width mid-wide youth flex all terrain sidecut radial esta publicacion incluye las fijaciones flow mkeste modelo de fijaciones ofrece una mezcla perfecta entre comodidad y controluna vez que las usás, no querés volver mas al sistema tradicional de straps que implica sentarse en la nieve, mojarse la cola y tardar bastante tiempo en la colocacion y ajustebinding technology flow bindings are designed unlike any other bindingson fijaciones muy livianas y con una excelente sensibilidadesto sumado a su suela canteada hace que puedas andar con ellas en toda la montaña con un gran soporte y estabilidadon top of it all, our bindings are super easy to usecon las fijaciones flow, simplemente es un simple kick dentro de la bota, talonera arriba y a surfear la nieveexcelente fijacion de snowboard, cuyo principal ventaja es la practica y facil colocacionwith our revolutionary active strap technology (nthis is the essence of every flow bindingwe wanted our bindings to be the most comfortable, performance driven, but easy to use bindings on the hillwe’re changing the game in binding performanceexcelente relación entre calidad, comodidad, simplicidad y precio

  • Octa-core with 2gb of ram delivers outstanding overall performance for opening and running applications, flipping through menus, running home screens and moreaccess to google play browse and download apps, magazines, books, movies, and television programs directly to your phone16gb internal memory plus microsd slot provides plenty of storage space for your contacts, music, photos, apps and morealso includes a front-facing 8mp camera for self-portraits and videocompatible with gsm carriers, including at&t and t-mobile also compatible with gsm sim kits, including cricket wireless, tracfone, net10, h2o, gophone and simple mobile* listen to music and news with the included fm radio app scan for new stations, store your favorites and record audio directly from the radiolisten to your favorite tunes store and play your mp3 files on your phone0 marshmallow os smart battery usage and simple fingerprint recognition — all in a familiar layout5" tft touch screen high-definition touch screen displays texts, e-mails, games, photos and videos with claritygoogle now on tap takes what's already on your screen and provides intuitive shortcuts to relevant info4g lte speed provides fast web connection for downloading apps, streaming content and staying connected with social media0mp rear-facing camera dedicated light sensor enables the camera to capture more light in dark environments for better picturesexpand storage up to 200gb by adding a microsd card (sold separately)built-in led lightuse your smartphone as a mobile hotspot share your 4g data connection with other compatible wireless devices

    $ 6195

  • Octa-core with 2gb of ram delivers outstanding overall performance for opening and running applications, flipping through menus, running home screens and moreaccess to google play browse and download apps, magazines, books, movies, and television programs directly to your phone16gb internal memory plus microsd slot provides plenty of storage space for your contacts, music, photos, apps and morealso includes a front-facing 8mp camera for self-portraits and videocompatible with gsm carriers, including at&t and t-mobile also compatible with gsm sim kits, including cricket wireless, tracfone, net10, h2o, gophone and simple mobile* listen to music and news with the included fm radio app scan for new stations, store your favorites and record audio directly from the radiolisten to your favorite tunes store and play your mp3 files on your phone0 marshmallow os smart battery usage and simple fingerprint recognition — all in a familiar layout5" tft touch screen high-definition touch screen displays texts, e-mails, games, photos and videos with claritygoogle now on tap takes what's already on your screen and provides intuitive shortcuts to relevant info4g lte speed provides fast web connection for downloading apps, streaming content and staying connected with social media0mp rear-facing camera dedicated light sensor enables the camera to capture more light in dark environments for better picturessim card not includedexpand storage up to 200gb by adding a microsd card (sold separately)built-in led lightuse your smartphone as a mobile hotspot share your 4g data connection with other compatible wireless devices

    $ 6195

  • Octa-core 2ghz processor with 2gb of ram delivers outstanding overall performance for opening and running applications, flipping through menus, running home screens and moreaccess to google play browse and download apps, magazines, books, movies, and television programs directly to your phone16gb internal memory plus microsd slot provides plenty of storage space for your contacts, music, photos, apps and morealso includes a front-facing 8mp camera for self-portraits and videocompatible with gsm carriers, including at&t and t-mobile also compatible with gsm sim kits, including cricket wireless, tracfone, net10, h2o, gophone and simple mobile* listen to music and news with the included fm radio app scan for new stations, store your favorites and record audio directly from the radiolisten to your favorite tunes store and play your mp3 files on your phone0 marshmallow os smart battery usage and simple fingerprint recognition — all in a familiar layout5" tft touch screen high-definition touch screen displays texts, e-mails, games, photos and videos with claritygoogle now on tap takes what's already on your screen and provides intuitive shortcuts to relevant info4g lte speed provides fast web connection for downloading apps, streaming content and staying connected with social media0mp rear-facing camera dedicated light sensor enables the camera to capture more light in dark environments for better picturessim card not includedexpand storage up to 200gb by adding a microsd card (sold separately)built-in led lightuse your smartphone as a mobile hotspot share your 4g data connection with other compatible wireless devices

    $ 6194

  • 58lb,protable and easy usecompact and portable design is perfectly for work and entertainment1-year warranty service and professional customer service¿hytt pocket dlp projector use h3s dlp ray machine with contrast, bring you crisp image and more vivid colorswith bluetooth and usb interface, this pocket projector can connect to external speakers/mouse/keyboard¿wired wireless connect¿ unique pocket projector can support wired and wireless connect to laptop/tablet/mobile devicethis portable projector can be widely used for movie, presentation, game, business travel and outdoor campingyou can install youtube netflix any application you want ¿the pocket projector with both off-axis effect and trapezoidal function¿ portable led projector use latest led technology, up to 100 lumens with more than hours life oscram lamp which no need maintenance or replacementmobile pico video projector portable mini pocket size for iphone and android,hd home theater cinema projector withp hdmi usb bluetooth wifi tf card hytt aims to make it easy for users to enjoy the pleasure of the digital age4 cpu:quad-core1happycast work with airplay,this will help this cell phone projector to mirror iphone/ipad(if use ios 11, please update happycast to last version)wifidisplay can mirror android devicespecification os:android 4¿the pocket projector built-in a rechargeable powerful battery can continuous work 2-3 hours on a single charge, it also support powered by your power bank(5v,2a), uninterrupted entertainment experience ¿warranty¿ we provide the best pocket projector after-sales service4g/5g dual-band wifi lamp: osram led lamp( hours) brightness: 100 lumens battery: mah inputs: usb / micro sd / hdmi bluetooth: bt 4¿unique design¿ ¿micro projector pre-installed freeclick application store4ghz processer wifi: 2whether you’re in search of the best pocket projectors for presentation or small business, or simply want a simple, lightweight machine for sharing your favorite media or playing game, this pocket projector does it all0 memory: 1gb+8g ¿widely used¿ hytt pocket projector is the same size with iphone 8p,mini pocket projector make you enjoy hd image projection up to 120 inches, but no sacrificing image quality¿more function¿ ¿this mini projector portable only 0any other problems with this portable projector, feel free to contact with us, 24 hours are available, timely replymini pocket projector can perfectly support hdmi input of your laptop, ps4,tv boxa great video projector also support play p hd video resourcea pocket projector turn your room into home theater

  • Shape concave bottom ? the concave bottom near the tip and tail delivers effortless ollies and more controlled pressesthe versatile rockerline allows you to carve hard and land smoothly like a continuous board while a subtle 3-stage design provides a more pronounced 'pop' off the wakeproduct details rocker type versatile rockerline ? depending on how a rider edges into the wake, it will feel like a continuous rocker board with easy transitions and soft landings while also performing like a 3-stage rocker board with more upright pophull g&r technology ? grip and release channels have all the traction you need for riding behind the boat or in the cable parknew riders and intermediates, listen up because there's a high chance that the district will take you from the bottom to the top (and now you're here)rails/edges variable rail ? rounder radius bevel on the inside of a rider's stance blending to a sharp bevel on the outside for a clean progressive edge transfer and holdfit for riders of every ability level, the ronix district wakeboard never fails to impress__se pueden coordinar en algún lugar intermedio, dependiendo dónde seatabla de wakeboard ronix district cm wake, sin botas tabla de wakeboard ronix distrito cm mara ronix excelente tabla, nivel principiante/intermediorealizo envíos a todo el pais por medio de oca, correo argentino, vía cargolos envíos son a cargo del compradortiene sus signos de uso, pero anda perfecto4 stance range (in) rider weight (lbs) up to 165+ ____________ __cualquier pregunta que necesites hacer serán contestadas a la brevedad__se puede pasar a buscar por palermo, villa crespo, barracas o saavedraability level:intermediate-advanced riding style:wake rocker type:three-stage hybridcore material:foambase type:standard basewakeboard mount pattern:m6 fins:4 athletes:chad sharpe size (cm) 138 rocker size (in) 8el precio publicado es solo por la tabla, no viene con las botas ____________ [] florencia anfuso: stepping onto the ronix district wakeboard means stepping onto greatnesscomo puse en la foto tiene alguna parte saltada5 waist width (in) 17no cobro por embalaje y despacho de mercadería a los correosrocker continuo flex medio tremenda tabla, te vas a cansar de andarlos cantos estan bien

    $ 3800

  • Innogear x2 reflector exterior jardin solar 36 led sensor description innogear motion sensor solar light produce over 450 lumens to provide lighting and security to your garage, pathway and moreupdated pir motion sensor to make sure it detects people within 26 feet! it becomes more durable and weatherproof with tightly sealed inner loopit has a mah battery and can work continuously over ten hours, which is far more than other similar led towns in the marketand we also update the solar panel, thus getting a high-efficient, frosted, anti-scratch solar panelas a solar powered product, on cloudy days or in winter, it needs longer time to be recharged and the working time maybe shorter3rd press on/off button, light blinks 3 times, auto lights up in dim mode and turns into full brightness when motion detected within 26 feetspecification solar panel: 54th press on/off button, light blinks 4 times, auto lights up in full brightness when motion detected within 26 feet, auto turns off when no motion detectedfactura “ a o b”please make sure to turn on the switch before use4 working modes long press on/off button, light blinks once, auto lights up in 1/4 brightness6w color temperature: k flux: 450 lumens charging time: at least 8 hours package content 2* innogear solar gutter light 2* screw set 4* aluminium pole 2* metal fixed plate 1* user manual note 12nd press on/off button, light blinks twice, auto lights up in 1/2 brightnessplease install the light in places with direct sunshine comes in

    $ 2400

  • 2ghz processor and 2gb of ram deliver outstanding overall performance for opening and running applications, flipping through menus, running home screens and more* depends on device memory and network availability16gb internal memory plus microsd slot provides plenty of storage space for your contacts, music, photos, apps and more* access to google play browse and download apps, magazines, books, movies, and television programs directly to your phone0mp rear-facing camera capture images and videos on the gocompatible with cdma and gsm carriers, including verizon wireless, sprint, at&t and t-mobile also compatible with prepaid sim kits, including verizon wireless prepaid, cricket wireless, tracfone, net10, h2o, gophone and simple mobilelisten to your favorite tunes store and play your mp3 files on your phone5" touch screen high-definition touch screen displays texts, e-mails, games, photos and videos with clarity0 marshmallow os smart battery usage and simple fingerprint recognition — all in a familiar layoutgoogle now on tap takes what's already on your screen and provides intuitive shortcuts to relevant info4g lte speed provides fast web connection for downloading apps, streaming content and staying connected with social mediaalso includes a 5mp front-facing cameraexpand storage up to 128gb by adding a microsd card (sold separately)sim card not includedbuilt-in led lightadditional carrier charges may applyqualcomm snapdragon 410 processor quad-core 1use your smartphone as a mobile hotspot share your 4g data connection with other compatible wireless devices

    $ 4645

  • 5gb of ram delivers outstanding overall performance for opening and running applications, flipping through menus, running home screens and moreaccess to google play browse and download apps, magazines, books, movies, and television programs directly to your phone16gb internal memory plus microsd slot provides plenty of storage space for your contacts, music, photos, apps and more0mp rear-facing camera capture images and videos on the gocompatible with gsm carriers, including at&t and t-mobile also compatible with gsm sim kits, including cricket wireless, tracfone, net10, h2o, gophone and simple mobilelisten to your favorite tunes store and play your mp3 files on your phone0 marshmallow os smart battery usage and simple fingerprint recognition — all in a familiar layoutgoogle now on tap takes what's already on your screen and provides intuitive shortcuts to relevant infoultra power saving mode lets you keep your phone powered on for longer in between charges this mode changes your screen to black and white and shuts down all unnecessary features to dramatically minimize battery consumption5" hd super amoled touch screen high-definition touch screen displays texts, e-mails, games, photos and videos with clarity4g lte speed provides fast web connection for downloading apps, streaming content and staying connected with social mediatake things at your own pace with the easy mode setting simplify your home screen with bigger icons and your favorite appsexpand storage up to 128gb by adding a microsd card (sold separately)also includes a 2mp front-facing camera3ghz processor with 1built-in led lightsim card not included

    $ 5575

  • 1ghz processor and 15gb of ram deliver outstanding overall performance for opening and running applications, flipping through menus, running home screens and more* depends on device memory and network availability0mp camera capture images while you're out and abouthtc boomsound dual front stereo speakers with beats audio powered by built-in amplifiers deliver bigger sound with less distortion and more detailcompatible with gsm carriers, including at&t and t-mobile also compatible with gsm sim kits, including cricket wireless, tracfone, net10, h2o, gophone and simple mobilelisten to music and news with the included fm radio app scan for new stations, store your favorites and record audio directly from the radiolisten to your favorite tunes store and play your mp3 files on your phone* stay up to date with htc blinkfeed pick the social networks, news and feeds you want to stay updated on and they'll all stream live to your home screen5" super lcd touch screen high-definition touch screen displays texts, e-mails, games, photos and videos with clarity8gb internal memory plus microsd slot provides ample room to house your contacts, music, apps and photos4g lte speed provides fast web connection for downloading apps, streaming content and staying connected with social mediaadditional carrier charges may applysim card not includedexpand storage up to 200gb by adding a microsd card (sold separately)* phone will not work with sprint, verizon, boost mobile, virgin mobile or any other cdma networkqualcomm snapdragon 410 processor quad-core 1use your smartphone as a mobile hotspot share your 4g data connection with other compatible wireless devices

    $ 5575

  • 5gb of ram delivers outstanding overall performance for opening and running applications, flipping through menus, running home screens and moreaccess to google play browse and download apps, magazines, books, movies, and television programs directly to your phone16gb internal memory plus microsd slot provides plenty of storage space for your contacts, music, photos, apps and more0mp rear-facing camera capture images and videos on the gocompatible with gsm carriers, including at&t and t-mobile also compatible with gsm sim kits, including cricket wireless, tracfone, net10, h2o, gophone and simple mobilelisten to your favorite tunes store and play your mp3 files on your phone0 marshmallow os smart battery usage and simple fingerprint recognition ? all in a familiar layoutgoogle now on tap takes what's already on your screen and provides intuitive shortcuts to relevant infosamsung knox workspace advanced data separation solution with expanded it policies and controls that secures your dataultra power saving mode lets you keep your phone powered on for longer in between charges this mode changes your screen to black and white and shuts down all unnecessary features to dramatically minimize battery consumption5" hd super amoled touch screen high-definition touch screen displays texts, e-mails, games, photos and videos with clarity4g lte speed provides fast web connection for downloading apps, streaming content and staying connected with social mediaeasy integration designed to work with the most popular mobile management toolsexpand storage up to 128gb by adding a microsd card (sold separately)* phone will not work with sprint, verizon wireless, boost mobile, virgin mobile or any other cdma networkalso includes a 2mp front-facing camera3ghz processor with 1built-in led lighteasy mode lets you get to the essentials quickly* sim card not includedconsultar stock solo color negro no permuto solo efectivo nuevos libre para cualquier companiasamsung - galaxy jg lte with 16gb (liberado) black nuevos quad-core 1

    $ 3500

  • 2ghz processor and 2gb of ram deliver outstanding overall performance for opening and running applications, flipping through menus, running home screens and more* depends on device memory and network availability16gb internal memory plus microsd slot provides plenty of storage space for your contacts, music, photos, apps and more* access to google play browse and download apps, magazines, books, movies, and television programs directly to your phone8mp rear-facing camera capture images and videos on the gocompatible with cdma and gsm carriers, including verizon wireless, sprint, at&t and t-mobile also compatible with prepaid sim kits, including verizon wireless prepaid, cricket wireless, net10, h2o, gophone and simple wirelesslisten to your favorite tunes store and play your mp3 files on your phone5" touch screen high-definition touch screen displays texts, e-mails, games, photos and videos with clarity* 4g lte speed provides fast web connection for downloading apps, streaming content and staying connected with social media0 marshmallow os offers a fresh, fast platform to help you stay connected and productive while you're on the goalso includes a 5mp front-facing camerasim card not includedbuilt-in led lightexpand storage up to 128gb by adding a microsd card (sold separately)additional carrier charges may applyqualcomm snapdragon 410 processor quad-core 1use your smartphone as a mobile hotspot share your 4g data connection with other compatible wireless devices

    $ 6194

  • ? advanced multi-core processor delivers a new level of speed and performance for instantaneous, interactive on-screen control and access to lighting, security, music, and video solutionsit also features ip control for tvs, apple tv, roku, avrs, and other network connected devices, as well as secure wireless zigbee control for lights, thermostats, smart locks, and more? external wireless-n and zigbee antennas simplify installation while delivering high-performance network connectivitythe ea-1 delivers a beautiful, intuitive, and responsive on-screen user interface with the ability to create and enhance the entertainment experience for any tv in the house? all-new, elegant on-screen experience for easy access to entertainment and the entire home? integrated music server with native support for popular streaming services, including deezer, pandora, rhapsody, tidal, and tuneincontrol4® ea-1 controller c4-ea1 designed for an exceptional family room entertainment experience, the control4 ea-1 entertainment and automation controller is more than automation for just the gear around your tv; it is the ideal smart home starter system with entertainment built inthe ea-1 is perfect for controlling all your entertainment devices in one room, along with your thermostat, door locks, and smart lightingthe ea-1 can orchestrate a wide range of entertainment devices comprising blu-ray players, satellite or cable boxes, game consoles, tvs, and virtually any product with infrared (ir) or serial (rs-232) controlconnect to your home remotely with an optional 4sight subscriptionentertainment & automation controller? usb port enables connection to external hard drives for easy access to local music content? incredibly fast, intuitive control from your tablet, smartphone, touch screen, remote, or tv on-screen navigatoravailable mounting bracket allows easy mounting to the back of a tv, on the wall, or to a standard wall boxwhile the ea-1 can control one room of a larger control4 system, it cannot be the primary controller in a multi-controller system? control4 app license enables in-home control from multiple ios?including apple watch?and android mobile devices? elegant, low-profile design for flexible, simple installationfor entertainment, the ea-1 also includes a built-in music server that allows you to listen to your own music library or stream from a variety of leading music services or from your airplay-enabled devices using control4 shairbridge technology

  • contact us for more information:
    • website: https://python-bairesar/
    • whatsapp and telegram: +54 11 3444-4112
    • email: info@python-baires
    we will introduce you to pandas, an open-source library, and use it to load, manipulate, analyze, and visualize cool datasets
    we will introduce you to another open-source library, scikit-learn, and use some of its machine learning algorithms to build intelligent models and make great predictions
    you will learn how to prepare data for analysis, perform simple statistical analyses, create meaningful data visualizations, predict future trends from data, and more!
    you will learn:
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    ● how to load, manipulate, analyze, and visualize datasets with pandas, an open-source library
    ● how to create machine learning models and make predictions with scikit-learn, another open-source library
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    you will learn how to use pandas dataframes, multidimensional numpy arrays, and scipy libraries to work with various datasets
    learn to analyze data using python!
    you will progress from understanding the basic concepts of python to exploring various types of data through classes, practical labs, and tasksar
    in this online course, you will learn how to analyze data in python using multidimensional arrays in numpy, manipulate dataframes in pandas, use the scipy library for mathematical routines, and perform machine learning using scikit-learnpython- learn data analysis – online lessons


    $ 500

  • 0, midi, s/pdif, balanced xlr outputs, integrated mic preamp and more guitar input with variable impedance fully assignable midi controller—control external hardware and software via footswitches and expression pedal variable input impedance l6 link™ connection for integration and control of dt-series amplifiers and stagesource® series loudspeakers vdi connection for integration and control of james tyler® variax® guitars 8 set lists containing 64 presets 512 user-writable preset locations eight set list banks assignable expression pedal controls amp and effect parameters integrated 48-second looper with dedicated footswitch built-in chromatic tuner tap-tempo footswitch professional-grade construction with bent metal chassis, chrome roll bar and die-cast expression pedal downloadable pod® hd500x software editor/patch librarian****** oddity music ****** - tenemos stock para entrega inmediata - estamos cerca de la estación callao del subte b - horarios de lunes a viernes de a y a - sábados de a - envíos a todo el país - hacemos factura a y b ****** oddity music ****** line 6 pod hd 500x características: extensive collection of award-winning hd amps for authentic tone and feel 100+ studio and stomp effects—use up to eight simultaneously selectable speaker cabinets and mics unparalleled flexibility to craft your tones: - dual signal paths - multiple routing options - dynamic dsp with more power for amps and effects stereo fx loop can be inserted anywhere in the signal chain professional-grade footswitches with bright led rings for at-a-glance operation comprehensive i/o includes usb 2

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